I was sitting in my studio today trying to think about what I could do with what I had. Then I looked outside and realized that it was way too be indoors. So I Decided to go for a bike ride and see if I could find a good location to make a sculpture. This is what I came up with.
I ended up at Saulk Creek Nature preserver which is on the edge of Port Washington. Its a really neat little area with some pretty nice trails. I really enjoyed riding my bike on them. I felt like I was actually getting some use out of my mountain bike.
I thought I would throw this image in to as a way to reference the scale of the piece. I had to get the rocks up there and then climb up and build. It was a bit of a struggle but lots of fun.
I'm dubbing this last image an "Urness" shot. I've decided that the "Urness" is an image where you snag a couple of unsuspecting plants along with your sculpture. I'm a big fan of this technique. Cheers!
We nedd to exchange phoine numbers and e-mails but I dont want to do it on here. We are thinking that if you wanted to stop by sunday afternoon, say threeish, we could run our erands in the morning and get home to go for a ride build.